The Truth

Every 40 seconds, someone in this world dies by suicide, leaving loved ones devastated and trying to make sense of the loss. In America, someone dies by suicide every 11 minutes. Suicide is the second leading cause of death for those aged 10-14 and 25-34 in the US. Every year in the United States, over 49,000 people lose their battle and die by suicide, and an estimated 1.6 million attempt. We can fill Chase Field with those lost to suicide every year. It is estimated to cost the United States over 500  billion dollars annually.

Every 11 minutes in the U.S., a Person Dies by Suicide
Every year in the US, over 49,000 lose their battle and die by suicide
The Amount Suicide costs the US Annually

Why JEM Foundation?

JEM was founded in memory of Jacob Edward Machovsky who was lost to suicide on January 11, 2016. We exist to honor him by helping others. JEM’s purpose is ending youth suicide. Our name was created from Jake’s initials, but you may wonder why we included an airplane in our logo. Jacob absolutely loved airplanes. He was always happiest when he was flying. It seemed appropriate to use a plane in the logo. His dream was to fly for the Air Force and serve his country. We may no longer be able to see him


fly, but we know he is still flying. 

Through JEM, Jake is still helping others, and he continues to make a difference.

You are not alone. This is not how your story ends.


We can’t do this alone! To help us end youth suicide, please click here to go to our donation page. For every donation of $75 or more, we will send a personalized gift as a thank you.