Our mission is to prevent suicide. You are a big part of that. Knowing what to look for and understanding the signs of suicide can be critical to saving a life. 

How You Can Prevent Suicide: 

1. Talk about it. This will help remove the stigma.

2. Educate yourself and others. Suicide is not a selfish act, it is one borne of desperation, great pain, and mental illness.

3. Learn the warning signs. These may include:

A. Anxiety

B. Disturbed sleep or changes in sleeping habits

C. Isolation

D. Unexplained rage

E. Unusual sensitivity

F. Hopelessness

G. Talk of suicide (suicidal ideation)

H. Talk of Death

I. Loss of interest in activities that once brought joy

J. Irritability

K. Mood changes which can include improved moods (this may epseically be true of someone with suicidal ideation)

L. Use or increased use of alcohol and drugs

*Please note that everone is unique and will not show all the same symptoms. If you are concerned you can contact the National Suicide Lifeline Number.

4. Connect and engage. Let people know they are not alone.

5. Know available resources.

A. National Suicide Prevention Lifeline Number: 1-800-273-8255

B. Crisis Text Line: Text HOME to 741741

C. Teen Lifeline, statewide in AZ: 800-248-8336

D. Local crisis teams and local resources can be found at 211.org

If You Suspect Someone Is Suicidal

1. Express concern.

2. Explain your concern.

3. Ask them directly if they are planning on killing themselves. This is a difficult question but one that must be asked.

4. If yes, ask if they have a plan. This will tell you how far in the process they are.

5. If yes, ask if they have already done something towards killing themselves. This is important as you may need to call 911 immediately.

6. If you feel overwhelmed, unsure what to do, or don’t feel safe:

a. Contact a crisis team if there is time, they are better equipped than 911. You can find your local crisis team by visiting 211.org.

b. If immediate action needs to be taken, or you don’t feel safe, call 911, don’t risk your life or theirs.

c. Contact the Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255.