Disneyland at Christmas
a beautiful place
Full of dreams and joy
where you can  leave your cares at the door.
Where no matter how old you are
you can act like a kid
and enter a place of fantasy and grace.

This year however something is different, something is wrong.
The lights down Main Street are still all a glow, and the tree is there as it has always been before.

Cinderella's Castle still shines with lights
and characters parade while you enjoy a bite.

Holiday shows light up the night
with festivals, shows, and fireworks galore.

So you see
not a lot has changed at Disneyland
but yet everything has changed for me.
The last time I entered the world of tomorrow,
I wasn't feeling this same sorrow.
your physical presence was still being felt.

Now that you left the lights are much dimmer and the beauty has since muted.
Disneyland is not the problem
The absence of you is missing in the land of tomorrow.