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When I was 5 and 6 I was molested by a neighbor for about a year, and when I was 13 I was raped. These events drastically changed my life and affected my worldview. These men were never caught and never convicted. They were free to do this to others. Sadly my story is not unique, millions of women and men have been victims of sexual predators; their innocence and trust stolen. The horror doesn’t stop when the assault is over; the effects are far reaching creating issues for many years, most for life. Consociations change, many go on to broken relationships believing they are unworthy of love. Their self-esteem is shattered. A lot face mental health issues such as PTSD, eating disorders, depression, anxiety, suicidal ideation and more. There have been links to physical illness like IBS, chronic pain, fibromyalgia, and PCOS. You may be thinking these illnesses are all in someone’s head; you would be horribly wrong. The trauma isn’t just emotional, it is experienced on a cellular level. The body remembers. So why am I not posting #metoo on Facebook, Instagram, or other social media sites?