Creating Structure and Routines

#TipTuesday Every Tuesday we will be sharing a new parenting tip. So don’t forget to subscribe to our social media pages to be alerted every Tuesday! Links can be found below. 

When you have a special needs child, it is especially important to create structure and routines. Routines build safety and belonging, skills and responsibility, healthy habits, and realistic expectations. According to Melbourne Child Psychology:

“Building routines with your children helps them to feel safe. They know what to expect when they go home, and it provides them with clear boundaries, expectations, and consistency.”

Here are a few ways to help build a routine in your home.

  1. Consistency – Be consistent with the routine.
  2. Identify routines – Include your child when creating some of the routines. This can help them feel like they have some control over the process. Identify critical daily activities and decide which order and what times they should happen. This will help with structure. For example, what time should your child do his homework, right when he gets home from school, or after a break. Remember, this is what is best for your family, and no two families are alike.
  3. Be flexible – Flexibility is essential, especially in the beginning, as you are figuring out the best way forward for your family. If a routine needs to change, let your child know.
  4. Write it down – It is easy to forget in the chaos of everyday life. Work together as a family to create a routine and then write it down and put it in a visible place where everyone will see it.
  5. Be patient – It can take a few tries to get it right. Be kind to yourselves, and use this as an opportunity to build patience.

Creating structure and routines is important for any family. What routines will you be creating in the coming weeks?

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