I am Facing Burnout. For many years I have been advising parents of children with mental health challenges to take care of themselves.  Self-care is critical. How can you take care of someone else when you can’t take care of yourself? It is now time that I follow my own advice.

For over 4 years I have fought tirelessly to ensure no other family loses a child to suicide. The culmination of the passage of Jake’s Law was such an amazing day, and I am thankful every day for its passage, and knowing that Jake is still making a positive impact on this world brings me comfort. However, it has taken a toll on me emotionally and physically. This is very difficult for me to do but I am facing burnout. It has taken me many months of going back and forth with myself to feel comfortable with this decision. I don’t want to let anyone down and I want to make sure I am here if anyone needs me but emotionally I don’t have much left to give.

Last October, I ended up in the hospital for 5 days. Due to my high level of stress, I developed a heart arrhythmia that now affects me regularly. It was a major factor in our decision to move. Reliving the loss of Jake on an almost daily basis left an indelible mark. 

Please know, I am not complaining, I am overjoyed in what we accomplished, I am just trying to explain where I am at this moment. 

Through The JEM Foundation, we have saved a lot of lives and we will continue to do so. We are still working towards our dream of a camp for kids with mental illness. I just need to step away for a couple of months and heal. 

Unfortunately, we don’t have anyone else to help us with blog posts, social media, or answering emails. It isn’t for lack of trying, we just have not been successful in finding consistent volunteers. 

Please know how grateful we are for each and every one of you. I will be back around February and we will continue our efforts of ending youth suicide. However, for now, I need to follow my own advice and practice a life of self-care. 

Thank you for understanding. 💜

If you have any questions you can email Ben at ben@thejemfoundation.com.

For resources, please visit our website and select support. You can also choose “Mental Health Resources” located at the top of the homepage for external agencies that can be of assistance.

External Agencies 

These can also be found under “Mental Health Resources”.

If you or a loved one are in crisis please contact the Tempe Crisis Team at 602-222-9444.

Teen Lifeline (statewide): 1-800-248-8336.

For counseling services visit Community Bridges.

If you need assistance finding support visit Copa Health.