Arizona passed a similar law in 2021. According to a new law in Illinois, students are now allowed to miss school for a mental health day. Now more than ever after two years in a pandemic we all need to realize the importance of mental health and this is a great first step in caring for it!

Student Mental Health Days (HB 576/SB 1577)

“Two years of living through a pandemic has thrown into sharp relief how important it is to protect one’s mental health. Students endure intense stress from tests, homework and extracurricular activities throughout the school year, often compounded by things they’re going through at home.

These laws allow for students in Illinois to have up to five excused absences for mental or behavioral health, not just physical illness, to prioritize their mental health.

‘Removing that, it gives a kid the opportunity to believe that they’re worth what they are. So a student can be judged on their academic merit of what they’ve done for four years instead of three-and-a-half, four-and-a-half-hour test,’ said Gregory Dean, a counselor at Michele Clark Magnet High School.”

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