
Protecting Students’ Well-Being In Academic Settings

"Shedding Light On Sexual Abuse In Educational Institutions. Educational institutions play a crucial role in shaping the minds and futures of young individuals. However, the occurrence of sexual abuse in schools and academic settings has become an alarming issue that demands immediate attention. It is essential to shed light on this topic, raise awareness, and implement [...]

2023-07-17T06:59:31-07:00August 11th, 2023|Schools|0 Comments

EV parents taking the lead in teen suicide prevention

Denise and Ben Denslow, LeAnn Hull and Tim Warnock know the endless pain a parent suffers when their child dies by suicide. That’s why the three attended a Chandler Unified School Board meeting, urging that the district pay more attention to the heartbreaking problem. Their pleas came in the wake of two apparent teen suicides [...]

When your child needs a 504 or an IEP

Children struggling with mental illness face many challenges. Sometimes the pressures of school can create additional issues and put more pressure on your teen. For teens struggling with mental illness, the pressure can be immense. Just getting out of bed can be a battle. Some children may feel overwhelmed when faced with a test, others [...]

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