Monthly Archives: March 2018

Suicide Prevention & Chronic Illness

We often think of suicide victims as people struggling with depression and anxiety. Over 90% of those that die by suicide have an underlying mental illness, but there is another population at great risk: the chronically ill. Living with chronic illness and for some patients, chronic pain, takes a toll, not only physically, but emotionally [...]

By |2021-08-10T14:29:23-07:00March 30th, 2018|

Did Medication Kill My Son?

Unfortunately, I will never know whether the medication I put my son on for depression and anxiety played a part in his suicide. He died January 11 of 2016. The day all my nightmares came to life. Jake struggled with mental Illness practically his entire life. We had been dealing with violent outbursts since he was [...]

By |2021-08-10T14:29:13-07:00March 17th, 2018|
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