
My sister saved a life but took her own By Carly Fleege

  Losing a loved one to suicide is often confusing and surreal.  A great deal of energy is expended churning through a whirlpool of questions - especially the whys. I’ve heard it countless times from other survivors of suicide loss – why did my loved one do this when they were the first in line [...]

By |2021-08-10T14:28:44-07:00December 14th, 2017|

In response to Ravi Zacharias: Does suicide send you to hell? 

*Trigger Warning* A friend tagged me in a post on a private Christian page showing a video in which a student asks Ravi Zacharias a question: "does suicide send you directly to hell?” I am unsure why my friend tagged me; I assume he thought I would want to discuss Mr. Zacharias’ response. I watched [...]

By |2021-08-10T14:20:28-07:00November 13th, 2017|

What I Have Learned From the Death Of My Son: A Letter To Grieving Parents.

I believe losing a child is the most brutal loss there is, but I hope what I have learned from the death of my son can help you in some small way. To the parents reading this who have lost a child, I wish I could hug you and make the pain go away, but [...]

By |2024-12-19T12:58:37-07:00September 27th, 2017|
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