Yearly Archives: 2022


988 is the easy to rememebr suicide prvention hotline number. The use of the number as increased 45% from the same time last year. Learn more about how the 988 number is helping those who find themselves in a desperate place. Click here to learn more. 

By |2022-12-01T12:05:21-07:00December 30th, 2022|

Managing the Side Effects of Depression Treatment

  "If you’re being treated for depression, your doctor may prescribe an antidepressant. These medications can be very helpful in relieving your symptoms. Psychotherapy, also known as talk therapy, can help, too. Like all medications, antidepressants can have side effects. But they’re generally well-tolerated, says Andrew Coulter, MD, a psychiatrist at the Cleveland Clinic." Click here to read the full article.  [...]

By |2022-12-01T11:57:03-07:00December 9th, 2022|

Exposure to ‘Blue Spaces’ Linked to Better Mental Health

"Spending time in “blue spaces” — such as beaches, rivers, and lakes — as a child can have significant and lasting benefits for wellbeing throughout life, according to a new study published in the Journal of Environmental Psychology. When exposed to blue spaces in childhood, people are more likely to revisit bodies of water in adulthood [...]

By |2022-12-01T11:57:53-07:00December 2nd, 2022|
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